Video courtesy of NBC's Today Show.
The Discovery Channel crashed an airplane in a Mexican desert. They are not accused of stealing the airplane. They are not accused of scaring unsuspecting passengers and onlookers. They are not even accused of defiling Gaea. No, they are being taken to task for not getting US federal bureaucrat permission.
Another set of gripes from NBC are that the feds and Boeing were not invited to the Discovery Channel Desert Classic (not to be confused with the Jimmy Carter Desert Classic), leading them to the conclusion that it was a "stunt." If anybody knows stunt journalism, it is NBC for sure. Did NBC invite any General Motors engineers to watch them rig a pickup truck with a bomb to make it explode on cue? Does not sound like it. If you think the truck blowing up incident is ancient history, NBC has more recent experience with news stunt editing. Some may say that this is systemic to the NBC news culture.
So now NBC is all in a huff about a competitor creating video for a show (their product) without even seeing the final product. The story implies the Federal Aviation Administration and other government busybodies are concerned about this experiment, but they can't manage to find any current bureaucrats to go on camera and gripe.
At what point does private property matter to these people?
Below is my annotated version to the above video (HD version on YouTube), with some bonus footage of real terror by real terrorist in a Jordan desert on September 12, 1970 (corrected a spelling error of mine):
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