Monday, October 31, 2011

NPR Accidentally Explains The #Occupy Kids

#Occupy Cat Fight
Have you noticed that those fun loving, crazy little #Occupy Wherever kids are angry about something, but not very focused about exactly what they are angry about?

Have you noticed how they react when people like National Review's Charles C. W. Cooke confronts them with some facts and their anger shrivels up, even for just a few moments?

NPR affiliate WBEZ took a visit to a middle school, found the same characteristics in a young boy and discovered that even a public school teacher can straighten out children better than any Liberal Arts program at an expensive university can.

Listen to ACT SIX. GRANDE WITH SUGAR  and understand how the #Occupy crowd is less emotionally developed than a middle school kid.

The boy is a victim of circumstance.  He takes care of his grandmother in a home without electricity or water, other than the water that pours through the roof when it rains.  In the real world of home, the child takes on and conquers adult problems that other children his age never think about.  Then he arrives at school in dirty clothes and frequently unwashed, with general complaining that the school was "unfair", nothing specific.

In the case of #OWS, the fault is mostly with the parents.  In the ages old truism that anybody can be whatever they like in America, the Baby Boomer parents left out a key ingredient: some careers don't pay much.  The OWS children were told to get a degree, but nobody told them that all degrees were not created equal.  However, they are not middle school children with problems at home, they are adults who made their own problems, possibly by following bad advice.

Today there are dozens of annoying hipsters and hippies wallowing in their own excrement, on private property in Manhattan, who have no concept that literature degrees are not very lucrative.  They think the American system is unfair because they have to pay back loans and work at being successful. They are shocked that the people they need to pay the loans back to are wealthy and cannot make the mental connection, so they assign "unfairness" to the predictable outcome.

Certainly there are children who grow up to be financially successful artists and poets, but none of these protestors are complaining about an "old boy network" in West Chelsea, they are whining that bankers made money when the bankers lent students money and the federal government guaranteed those loans.

They are not even whining that the education industry ripped them off, by rapidly expanding "staff" positions, overpaying faculty, and creating ostentatious monuments to academia.  No, their Socialist indoctrination about "fairness" overrides any facts that are flying in their face.

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