Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Remarks By Tom Wolfe

Rare image of Tom Wolfe without a white suit.
"Daniel Ortega is one peasant  who never worked on a farm, but expropriated quite a few of them." - Tom Wolfe

This CSPAN video of Tom Wolfe, Remarks by Tom Wolfe, is the video I was looking for in my research for How Many Borders Would You Like With That Socialism? and the relevant portion begins at the 21 minute mark.  He talks about life in the South Bronx, New York, when he was researching Bonfire of the Vanities, with interesting details about the 1980s and 90s drug trade, tastes of both rich and poor, and other aspects of the area.

He also speaks of a social club in the Bronx at 28:20, the portion I remember and why I looked for this speech.

His talk about Crime and Morality in the 1990s is fantastic too.

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